The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to Anubis, who is symbolized by the Jackal. As Guardian of the Underworld and present at the Weighing the Heart Ceremony with Ma'at, he is one of the main Neteru in the Book of the Dead and accompanies the deceased through the underworld on their way to Osiris. A friend and trusted adviser, Anubis is a shining light on the pathway of spiritual enlightenment.
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to Bastet (or Baast), an ancient Egyptian feline and fire Goddess represented as a woman with the head of a cat.
A stunning fragrance for invoking ancient Egyptian energies and in past life regression work. Also to summon fruitful abundance into our lives by removing any stagnant blocks, whilst offering protection and a path of light.
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to the Egyptian Temple, the home of the Gods or Kings to whom they were dedicated, a place where connection and offering can be made to your chosen deity. A sacred space for the performance of ritual and prayer and where healing and magic can be experienced by all.
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to Hathor, Egyptian Goddess of motherhood, music and dancing. In this aspect her emblem was the sistrum, an ancient percussion instrument. All Egyptian women worshipped her and she is the protector of pregnant women.
Call upon Hathor to assist with dance, music, love and motherhood.
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to Horus the celestial God who reigns over the sky and stars and is represented as a falcon.
Horus represents courage, healing, strength of conviction and the state of perfection through the act of making one whole. This magical fragrance brings the energy of Horus to link you to your ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses whilst bringing spiritual purity and protection of your soul.
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to Isis, Egyptian Moon Goddess, who embodies femininity, healing, magic and power, Daughter of Nut, wife of Osiris and mother of Horus, her name means 'She of the throne'. Isis' protective wings are engraved around Egyptian sarcophaguses as they symbolise her ability to renew souls following the retrieval of her husband from the dead and bringing him back to life. Call upon Isis to assist with divine magic, feminine beauty and self esteem.
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to Osiris, supreme god and judge of the dead, who is a symbol of resurrection and eternal life. Osiris provides fertility and prosperity to the living. He is the husband of Isis and father of Horus.
Call upon Osiris when facing issues needing closure so you may walk forward with renewed hope in your souls and feel the heat of the flame of resurrection within.
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to Sekhmet, solar goddess representing the scorching, destructive heat of the sun. A fierce goddess of war, she was the destroyer of the enemies of Osiris and Ra. Call upon Sekhmet to transform your anger and energy in a positive way, learning how to express yourself in an appropriate manner. In addition Sekhmet assists us with assertiveness, banishing, courage, protection and inner strength.
The fragrance and light of this sacred candle aids connection to Thoth, Moon God and inventor of the spoken and written language. As Lord of the books he was the scribe of the gods and created astronomy, geometry and medicine.
Thoth was the measurer of the Earth and the counter of the stars, keeper and recorder of all knowledge.
Call upon Thoth when you wish to access divine Cosmic knowledge and wisdom.